GO BUY THIS! liquid stevia. It cost $12. you may think that’s a lot. It last a long time! and it’s zero calorie. not like the truvia crap. add this to your la croix, unsweet tea or anything that needs some sweetness.
I missed you people! My belly looks something serious right now! I am feeling better about showing it! when you aren’t showing a lot, you just feel fluffy fat and people look at you like.. “did she eat too much or is she pregnant?” haha. I will go over cravings and workouts at the end. It’s getting hard to tie my shoes and use the toilet. I know I know.. “just wait” says the mom of 4.. shut up. I didn’t ask you. Guess you know how I feel about THOSE ladies now huh? My client got me the first official baby outfit for little man. I look at them everyday and wanna squeeze!
let me tell you! you see, growing up..outside of my mom, her mom and sis being whacky about views on sex, females and what not. I had a very twisted view on things. i HATED being a girl. My mom would actually tell me that If I was a boy, I could go to the movies. I can’t bc I am a girl and I might get pregnant bc women are the weak that get preyed upon and we live in a mans worlds blah blah. I watched my dad treat her like a typical women. cook this, clean this, lay there etc or at least that’s the way I portrayed at a young age… andddd she would TELL me about their sex stuff!! when I was young! like 5-6 yrs old . She would also go in depth about getting physically molested when she was 6-7 and tell me about it at 5-7!.. yes, parents, if you were victim of something like this, please don’t think that TELLING your children the act will save them… They do NOT NEED TO KNOW!
everyone always said that they felt she told me inappropriate things too young. In her mind… she was “helping me” in reality and years later.. She made me feel nasty being a girl. She would tell me… I love you BUT I would have had a DIFFERENT life without you.. kids change EVERYTHING ( this was a always in a negative tone as she drank her natural ice and ate hydrocodones) just get ready for you life to be OVER she would say. I remember saying i hope my back would break so I couldn’t have children when I was prob 8-10 yrs old. I was sexually abused growing up not physically, mentally and emotionally ..she would want to compare body parts and always ask to see my junk. She would ask humiliating things about my boyfriend encounters. too graphic to type just yet. I am telling you this so you can understand how much fear i had and anger towards reproducing and being a female. PLUS i had certain family members that would say.. you’re a redneck.. you will prob end up pregnant at 16 and quit school! SO I was damn sure NOT to “screw” my life up by having children. I DID however, make sure and demand a descent man! My mom had her good points. She always coached me on what to look for in a man (bc apparently she hated my dad) she would tell me how much she disliked him. I resented her for not divorcing him. I also resented my dad for not leaving her in her bad years. She was a big part when it comes to good music influence. Yes, as emotionally damaged as she was..she had SOME good to her as we all do.
This pregnancy has been a heck of a learning experience. more spiritual than anything. Skip helps me a ton with accepting and embracing the process. He comes from a totally different background than I do. ( THANK HEAVENS!) he helps me heal along with god, of course, prayer, mediation, writing and my two intuitive reiki counselors. Arthur and Allyson. I have done Lots of emotional healing and still have a TON of work left to do.. It’s ok though. When you stop learning and growing.. you die!
I would LOVE to have Mr. Grady, get back in shape then have another.. be done and devote my time to helping fitness gals, moms and still have room to train up some serious fitness men 😉 .
I have always been “out of reach” for the “normal” woman.. they would see me and think.. oh, well. I have kids, you don’t.. you’re young , you’re blah blah.. and I don’t have time to spend in gym. Apparently they think I would spend 3 hours a day! ain’t nobody got that for that! so hopefully Having babies while working and trying to build an empire, staying fit and going from cellulite preggo body to fit feeling good will really create some change and inspiration for women, moms or just any female 😉
LOOK A BISCUIT! I grew up on crisco and biscuits! I am wanting some biscuits now! had a tenderloin and egg one from mint saver in kennesaw GA sunday am, had a egg and chicken biscuit from mountain biscuit monday (after gym) LOL defeats the purpose right?
I would LOVE to open a eating place one day as retirement. cool all my ol growing up foods! I would tear it up!
Still keeping it somewhat healthy 🙂 fish and veggies. YES, I eat fish. still eating sushi, eat applegate sandwich meat, and low fat turkey hotdogs no nitrates added.
tried these prenatals and i like em. Trying a different brand now.
I had trouble with BP for a few weeks! it would get LOW like 80/40.. almost passed out in church ( it was holy ghost) haha. turns out when you are pregnant your blood volume increases, and if you aren’t hydrated it takes longer for blood to travel to ya head or extremities so you need more fluid.. I counter balanced this with COCONUT WATER! made all the difference!
oh my gosh.. Let’s talk about sex. had trouble with this as well. you go from liking your body to certain good looking positions all of a sudden turn ewwwww.. belly! SO, having a good relationship and a good guy will help. you will find your groove where you feel comfortable. maybe get some self tanner, or new outfits. The plus side .. your boobs get huge!
for a few days in week 18, all i wanted was toast and banana.. i always tried and made sure i had a protein when I would eat a carb for blood sugar purposes. My blood sugar has been whacked out. I still struggle with emotional eating.. I am not scared so much to get “fat” I get scared when I crave biscuits or ice cream .. I start thinking.. sugar feeds cancer, this isn’t clean, this will cause gut issues etc. So i am working on turning negative emotion into positive emotion when I eat food thats not on get skinny menu.
I was craving this! i was scared so i bought no sugar! yeaaa. it made me nauseated.
this was at 18 weeks. doing sumo deads bc convential hurt my low back
This week ( i will be 20 weeks tomorrow)
MOST leg work hurts my back. i have put on about 15 lbs. walking helps. rdl’s and kettle bell swings. upper body.. i keep normal and heavy 🙂
Last night, I was at pubix around 9pm getting cabbage and hotdogs! I wanted slaw dogs and low fat cape cod chips!
last saturday i had a banana split, next night.. i woke up at 945 and told skip to GET up and lets go get a mcflurry! i haven’t had real ice cream in maybe 1-2 years? It was amazing!
I am taking probiotics! and calcium with d3 bc i don’t go outside much. my prenatal has calcium, just not enough.
I also have vit c and take epsom salt baths!.
I think I have covered everything that’s happened (worth blogging about) in past 2 weeks.
Website is coming soon! I am finalizing some special member content. Let me know if you need help with changing your body. (I still know how to get a good set of glutes) 😉
do what you wanna do. get some dang sleep and I holler later.