Beginner Program for those who want it all!


The sacred art of elevating and becoming a match for everything you want. Soften the blow of self doubt, fear, overthinking, and self-doubt. Step into a higher vibration.

Do you experience physical health issues?

Do you suffer from IBS and gut issues?

Do you have fertility issues?

Do you look and FEEL older than you really are?

Do you feel stress around money?

Do you experience sadness, anger, resentment, guilt, jealousy, or anxiety?

Do you experience migraines, auto-immune disorders, depression, chronic fatigue and panic attacks pretty regularly?

As you read this, do you find yourself thinking, “Damn, I check off on every single one of those?”

I understand! Because that was ME!

Hey there,

I’m Casey Shipp. Not that long ago I was in horrible physical and emotional pain.
I was on antidepressants and nerve pills for anxiety attacks and hives.

I come from a family history of anxiety, heart issues, diabetes, and alcohol and substance abuse.

I had no idea that I could take responsibility at any moment and change the trajectory of my life.

Every day I was in survival mode, and I eventually surrendered after hitting another dead end BRICK wall.

I realized that I was creating the shit-storm because my problems always had ME in them!

Scientific fact: Your vibration is your energetic frequency, it is the way you ‘hum’ to the Universe. It’s the way you “be” and how you “be” determines your reality.

Let me put it plain and simple.

If your life isn’t going the way you want it to go, it’s because that’s what you believe you deserve. That’s right. We get what we believe we can have.

The problem is…

Most of us (including me) didn’t know this “woo-woo” shit. I had no idea about “energy.” The only thing I knew about energy was Adderall and caffeine because I loved uppers (which is a dead giveaway that I was running from emotional pain and living in fear).

I grew up in a bubble. Southern Baptist. It was a small town where you rode around dirt roads and did drugs or hammered back Natty Lights for “fun.”

Don’t get me wrong and see this as me thinking I’m better than people from these places.

The fact is… I AM TOO GOOD for that life! I was meant for more than being a little country housewife who worked at the doctor’s office and dreaming of hitting the lottery as my “way out” or marrying into money.

I was SO beat down and had NO self esteem! I was hanging around other people who were struggling through life as well.

And then I decided that if I wanted to look and FEEL different, I had to address the energy in how I flow through life .

I took myself through a process of increasing my emotional IQ and raising my vibration.

I was WILLING to see things differently and lean into the fear of the unknown and the “quackery” to be honest. So what did I have to lose?

My way wasn’t working and I FELT like it was time to go deeper.

After just three minutes into learning about raising my vibrations, I IMMEDIATELY felt INSPIRED and connected!. I felt empowered and like I wasn’t so fucked up after all.

I finally felt HOPEFUL, like there was actually a way out.

I started learning how to manage and manipulate my energy.

I found JOY… I finally got a taste of what the so-called, “woo-woo, feel-good” people had been talking about this whole time.

I learned the basic science of success!

Things just made more sense, and I finally found myself. I found the truth. I found my power. I cracked the ELEVATION CODES!

Now it is my joy and honor to teach others how I think, how I “be,” and how I look at things when they happen (positive or negative) and WIN with it!

My intent for Elevate is to share my energy so you can light your own fire and finally take action.



Understand what more about yourself and your situation so you can finally get control.

Awaken your inner power so you can create what you want when you want it.

Learn the skills needed to address any type of pain or triggers that come up, and break the cycle of things not working out.

Increase joy, inspiration, and confidence.

Learn how to raise your vibration so you can FEEL better and become a match for the life you want.

Integrate trust and ease into your daily life so you don’t feel the fear that comes with “letting go and relaxing.”
Learn how to create more positive energy.
Learn how to get happy.
Learn how to get unstuck with money and weight loss.

What’s Inside?

You will learn how to always feel good about working on yourself vs feeling guilty or ashamed because you didn’t “do something

  • Mastermind Lives: Never-before-seen and exclusive to my HIGH level paying students. You will get:
  • Facebook Lives: Every Live that I’ve ever done.
  • Private Group Facebook Lives: Every Live I’ve ever done in the private group.

Receive instant access to all livestreams upon enrollment.

You have all content and updates as long as you pay and/or if you pay Lifetime, you get access forever, amen.

Casey Addison Shipp thank you for getting me out of my damn comfort zone. Nothing grows there. Just had my first sales call where I landed a new client paying in full. Not where I want to be but man I’ve grown!!
Happy Thursday hotmomz! I felt compelled to hop on here and share some key things I’ve learned through my time with the lovely Casey Addison Shipp . I’ve been under her guidance since 2014/2015. I was a bikini competitor looking to understand the lifestyle and stop the yoyo and Learn how to balance and sustain. I failed in part of that for the first year or 2. Sometimes I took advantage of the convenience and didn’t hold myself accountable to the learning portion and just did whatever she said. I got results but then I got frustrated because I felt like I wasn’t getting what I signed up for fully, I didn’t think I could sustain or know how to without Casey. Now looking at myself older I think well bitch, whose fault is that? It’s mine, my own fear and my own lack of effort. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make em drink right? Well the reality is, I came off anti depressants(Lexapro for 4 years, my choice) after I’d gotten my body to that comfortable fit and maintainable sweet spot. My life was at an all time high and I thought I was ready to finally take the condom off lol. It was and is still an actual emotional roller coaster. I went dark and manifested my body weight to come back out of fear without even acknowledging wth I was doing. I thought I was doing EVERYTHING I knew how to avoid that. After all, I’ve competed for years and know how to sustain right? Hahaha. Well I’ll never forget when Casey said, what if your version isn’t actually EVERYTHING you could be doing? What if you need to dig deeper into something else(1).. because I respect this woman more than most I thought well fuck me. And from there chakra, therapy, Journaling, questioning traditional methods all came into my life. Most of that time and still I’ll get triggered by things Casey may mention in her lives or posts. And often times she will say if this triggers you, find out why(2)… that is Gold… learn and take accountability for you, in all areas. Even when your ego is a dark obnoxious cloud telling you otherwise. I’m grateful for the path and journey she and everyone in this group has been through because I’ve truly learned SO much from it. That’s the goal… to have a power group who gets it and gives tough love to better each other because we’re fucking fabulous. If you’re afraid of the investment, you’re in the right place and take the leap. Another golden nugget Casey reminded me of was that money can ALWAYS be made. I said to her a couple years ago I was saving and limiting myself to open my own business and she said be YOUR best self to give others that(3).. I’ve never restricted myself on self care before that so why I thought I should start and take advice from other business people that aren’t where I choose to be idk. My friend and I were talking budgets the other day and he said o cool where do you think you can cut back. Without hesitation I said I don’t restrict myself I just make more money. (Or manifest it but that was too deep for his moment lol) This was winded but felt necessary to share. Love and light and I hope this helps at least 1 of you

I have been working through my Money Mentality Makeover course for the 3rd time in the last year and I feel like finally everything is clicking. Can I just say in the last week it’s felt AMAZING to drop the money struggle
I own a gym in a small town (about 1500 people) and a few days ago contracted about $800 which is a big day there.
I found out yesterday I am getting $4200 back on taxes, which never happens owning my own business. We are lucky to get back $2k most years.
I also received $1800 from a new client who I wasn’t expecting payment from for at least another month.
Big energy shifts happening astrologically and energetically for me!
We are pretty lucky to have the most amazing Leader Casey Addison Shipp! Thanks for all you do!
Side note I’m also down 2lbs from last week thank you Universe lol!

Call me sentimental but I seriously just wanted to take a minute to say Thank You Casey Addison Shipp. Thank you for continually following your passion to make the lives’ of others simply incredible. If you had given up when you faced obstacles, stopped believing in yourself, or let the devil on your shoulder tell you that you couldn’t succeed, we wouldn’t be here right now. We wouldn’t be living our best lives. I know to many, it is about being HOT AF and that’s ok too, but to me, it’s about that and loving the body I’m in, treating myself better, being the wife and mom I need to be, pushing myself to do incredible things in my business and overcoming whatever gets in my way. I love watching HotMomz change the lives of friends of mine! It just feels so good to… FEEL SO GOOD! So… THANK YOU for doing what you do!

Elevate  INCLUDES:

ELEVATE Homework:

Includes homework for certain livestreams. Designed to prompt and support you as you move through the content!

ELEVATE Private Community:

You will be using the Free Facebook Private Hotmomz Community.


Mentality Needed To Succeed: Find out how to get in your secret element that allows you to tap into flow and attract what you want.

Sample of Book Club:

A few books that will help you shift into a better feeling place:

Frequently Asked Questions:

What if I just want to lose weight? Is this still for me?

Yes! As always, everything is up to you. You can decide at any moment what you will become available and unavailable for.
Many people with a history of yo-yo dieting come here to learn the reason WHY things come up to derail them and trash their progress.

They report finding themselves confidently taking the steps to start breaking the cycle, but this does NOT come with diet plans, workouts, etc.

Start here and then merge into Drop the MF weightloss struggle or book a mini consult after you’ve immersed yourself elevate for 7 days.

Is this program just for advanced “woo-woo” people?

100% no. Whether you are hardcore religious or deep into the spirital “woo-woo,” this program can help you find a deeper connection to your spirituality

I’m super busy right now. What if I don’t have time to do this right now?

While the livestreams will be there when you’re ready, it is up to you when you start. This is another reason why you NEED THIS! No time and fear of no time means you’re stuck in fear! Listen for a few minutes while you shower, drive, do the dishes etc. Yep, it’s that easy.

What can I expect from this Program?

Inspired content. A renewed belief in yourself. Fresh perspective. Progress. Movement in the direction of your dreams. Meditations. Affirmations. New energy. The Secrets to unlocking blocks. A stronger connection to your spiritual practice.

Can you guarantee specific results?

I love this program and I deeply believe in the principles in it. The testimonials on this page are from real, live people who signed up for hotmomz ( my high level mastermind), did the work, and got some really cool results. According to my incredible attorney, I need to say this to you: DISCLAIMER: I don’t guarantee or warrant results or increased income. The testimonials on this page may not be typical for all students. Plus, It’s like a church service. You go to receive a message. Whether or not you “get it” is up to you and your willingness to receive new knowledge.

What is your refund policy?

I do not believe that you are going to want one… you were led to it and trusted yourself to enroll. I would never enroll in something like this and even think about asking for a refund so anybody that thinks that way probably isn’t a good fit for my energy.

How It works:

ELEVATE Program- Experience includes:
While the training lessons open 24/7, you can dig into the content at your own pace — it isn’t going anywhere.
You get immediate access to the contents and group.
You have all content + updates for life as long as you’re paying and or have lifetime access.

This isn’t your regular digital program. This is a transformational experience.

There is not just one way to go through the program. Some people rewatch ONE lesson for weeks. Some people go through the sections in order. Some people kind of breeze through the first couple modules (if they are already familiar with the more foundational principles) and spend more time in the later sections.

You are not being graded. Make this your own. It’s okay to jump around as you feel guided. I would just encourage you not to avoid anything that simply feels hard to look at.

Do the homework and dig in around the stuff that feels sucky, hard, ancient, and the way things have always been for you, your family, and/or people who you consider to be like you.

Avoid nothing. It’s safe to look at this stuff. It’s time to look at this stuff.

There is no such thing as being “behind” in this program.

You can start with the steps below in order, spend as long as you need on the bonuses, start the entire course later, etc.

I find that the more you watch and listen, the more you get out of it. (walking in the grocery store, driving, doing laundry etc)

This is not something you rush through, but spend time with.

Take your time. Do the work. And, trust yourself.

I am so excited for the shifts, transformations, healing, and mother fucking breakthroughs that will now occur!

You did it. You are here. This is on purpose. I am so proud of you!

Take notes. Try to ask yourself where you feel it, how it feels and be aware of ideas or events that come to mind. 

This is about YOU uncovering the THING or things that are keeping you stuck! BELIEVE that those things WILL BE REVEALED and DECIDE to let it be easy. Be willing to see things DIFFERENTLY than you’ve ever seen them and I promise….

If you FEEL scared or like there’s strong resistance to the material, lean into that and know that it means that this is definitely your next step. Soul evolution step #1 is feeling resistance and doing it anyway. 


If you are enrolling now, I encourage you to do so intentionally.  Enroll as the Future you who already has the “thing” she wants. Do this for you. Do this for those you are here to help. Do this on purpose. 

Refunds: Although our policy is no refunds on digital products

Disclaimer: I love this program and I deeply believe in the principles in it. The success stories on this page are from real live people who have worked with me through this program and got incredible results. According to my attorney, I need to make sure I always say this to you: I don’t guarantee or warrant results or increased income. The testimonials on this page may not be typical for all students.