Hotmomz Presents

1 on 1 PRivate Coaching

An HMZfitness_ Production

Click Below To Choose Your Coach:

Prices will be Visible After choosing Coach and Filling Out Application.

Pick Your Coach

I have worked Personally with EACH of these WONDERFUL Coaches and they are & HMZFITNESS Certified meaning, they believe and practice under the same beliefs, use the same systems and protocols as I do.

I oversee everything the coaches do and we collaborate behind the scenes to make sure EVERY client is well taken care and get’s the BEST results during their package.


FYI- EACH COACH will have different rates. 

Coach Kate

Specializes in Reverse Dieting, repairing Damaged Metabolisms, Event & Contest Preparation

Packages Starting as little as $300

 Coach Sabrina

Specializes in Reverse Dieting, repairing Damaged Metabolisms & General Wellness 

Packages Starting as little as $300

Coach Casey

Intuitive Success Coach- Creator Of

Level Up, My Private Client Mastermind starts at 2k 

One More EASY way to see which Type of Coaching is right for you.

1 on 1 coaching w an hmz coach helps you learn correct form, balance hormones, and have 1 on 1 access/attention to a coach. After this, they may feel confident that they no longer need a coach, as they now know how to do it on their own and can merge to a mini course like the Reverse Diet Mini-Bundle or Hotmomz Lifestyle Program. 1 on 1 Coaching is strict and only for fitness, nutrition and hormones only- no Life coaching or inner work. Just Customized specifics to hit your health and fitness goals

Hotmomz Lifestyle Program is for those that want to break cycles and become a self-healer. It’s a transformative container led by Casey. You’ll have access to a very Supportive group of  high level women vs 1 on 1 access to a coach. The Hmz Lifestyle Group Coaching Program teaches you how to Have success in all areas, get to and heal the root  of self- sabotage, falling off the wagon and unfucking yourself. It Teaches you how to become a match for more money and all the things you want in life. This is best for those who can do things themselves but just needs a little guidance in teh right direction. You will learn how to eat for your goals, train and even think. You’re learn how to end toxic generational cycles and live the life you’ve always imagined. It’s like learning how to cook your favorite recipe where as 1 on 1 coaching is like having a chef prepare your favorite recipe for you- and 1 on 1 doesn’t come with any of the life coaching and inner work. Comes with Hormone Balancing, Meal plans and workouts. 

Special Event: An upcoming competition or event that requires you to look exceptional may warrant the need for 1 on 1 coaching to get improvements fast, with minimal risk of missing something.


Casey Level Up Mastermind private Clients Best for those who know exactly what they want and needs  to be pointed in the right direction. This comes with direct access to Casey. Intense Energy healing takes place and you get access to every and all courses while working together. No matter if it’s growing your business, improving your relationships, health, or mindset.. You’ll experiences massive breakthroughs just like with Hotmomz. You will experience a LEVEL UP in life. Comes with Custom Diet/Training/Healing Hormone Regimen if needed.

We will be opening Enrollment every 12 weeks.







