Meditation and Fathers Day
17 Jun 2012
Today started off pretty good. I usually meditate for about 15 min every morning.. Today my meditation lasted 45 minutes!. I have had a lot on my mind, which translates to “My ego is struggling with letting go”. Most people are usually stumped when they find out I meditate. Living in the bible belt, you pray….anything else is “weird”. I have found that meditation works best for me. I can be still. There is an inner peace that I feel from being present. I read this quote. “Prayer is talking to God, and meditation is listening to God” (or whatever you believe in). Meditation or getting still helps lower stress, makes you younger, and provides a peace of mind. The art of meditation helps me to control my thoughts. If I can’t control my thoughts, I can’t control anything. I have noticed I am more creative than before as well.
I have a lot of big things coming up. I will be moving from my home ATL to Fort Lauderdal FL in August. I am planning on competing at The World Championships in Toronto Canada for the WBFF as my pro debut (that’s in August). I also will be making the transition from one on one training to all online nutrition consulting and training. Even though I currently do most of my business through the web, my clients do not like the fact that I will be typing from a different state. I have to keep reminding myself to breath and get present or I will need to get back on Xanax! haha. It was our weekend with the kids, so we hung out a bit with them. After the kiddos left we went to our two favorite places….WHOLE FOODS and TRADER JOES. I swear, it’s like going to the mall everytime I go into Whole Foods. I get lost on the soap isle! I love reading labels and finding new items. It’s kind of like Wal-Mart, you go in for one thing and come out with a $150 receipt :/ I picked up the usually things…frozen broccoli, spinach, brussel sprouts and green beans. They were out of artichoke hearts!! I was pissed. I bought some gluten free oats as well. Am I gluten sensitive? no. I had plenty of the other food like egg whites, chicken, yea yea you know how I eat 🙂
I am approaching my high cal week mark. In case you have been under a rock or absent from my facebook page, I have been in a calorie deficit, dieting for about 10-12 weeks. I started to feel the effects of my metabolisim slowing so I increased cals above maintance for a week or so. I look more soft now, but full. not as cut. Today I wanted CARBS… I think i ended up eating about 300! for me that’s easy… a few bowls of cereal, oatmeal with cereal bars and chocolate rice cakes BAM i’m at 300 haha. I start my new training regimen tomorrow and i’m freckin pumped. It’s called DC training. aka doggcrap training. we will see how that goes. I am working on adding size to my calves and triceps. I gotta go eat my last meal and get in tha bed. I Love what a good nights rest will make you feel like in the am. Peace out