The Bad B*tch Bundle


Grow at your own pace

Welcome to the fabulous world of the Bad B*tch Bundle Membership, where motivation runs wild and free!

Get ready for your DAILY dose of coaching that will ignite your fire and propel you towards success. Join Casey, (me) for behind-the-scenes adventures and mini trainings that will unlock your full potential. But that’s not all! Inside, you’ll find things you never knew you needed.

So buckle up, because this magical membership is about to take you on the ride of a lifetime. Get ready to unleash your inner bad b*tch and embrace the life you were always meant to live!

The membership speaks for itself


Hormone & Energy Codes

I have invested over 400K in personal growth and business coaching. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of hours trying to find the right resources to figure out what works.

Lucky for you, you don’t have to spend 400,000 or half a lifetime searching. The answers are here for you.


Here’s how it works:



You’re in!!! 🎉 You’ll be immediately added to:

❤️‍🔥 Our Private FB community, where Our team & Casey drop DAILY coaching into the group of Bad Bit$ches.

❤️‍🔥 Exclusive Invites to Special Live training, where you can next-level insight for personal questions.

❤️‍🔥 THE CONTENT: $15k worth of the most epic collection of pre-recorded classes, programs, and more for you to binge like Netflix while you drive, walk or take a bath. (Want to know what’s included? Keep scrolling 😉)



Binge the content, leave a message in the community, or listen to hours of epic coaching on life and Health Success whenever your heart desires!

Included Courses

30+ Courses


Frequently Asked Questions:

How Long Will I have Access For?

You will have access to the membership, including online content access and private community access, the entire time your subscription is active and paid for. 

Is it for beginners? Can I lose weight with this?

Of course. This is for all walks of life. This is for those who want more out of life than the one they are living. Yes, you will have access to workout programs, nutrition guides, custom macro calculator, meal plans and more. 

I’m super busy right now. What if I don’t have time to take the course now?

While the lessons will be there when you’re ready, it is up to you when you start. You have all content and updates for life. You can take the course completely at your own pace. Listen for a few minutes while you shower, drive, do the dishes etc. yep, It’s that easy. Plus, the fact that you don’t have the time comes from anxiety which comes from a hormone issue that stems from trauma. This course will help you clear that shit.

Are you offering a payment plan?

Not at this time. if you want payments, I suggest using a credit card with points, that way, you can make the payments to the card and get points for paying it off over time! 

What can I expect from this course?

Inspired content. A renewed belief in yourself. Fresh perspective. Progress. Movement in the direction of your dreams. The Secrets to unlocking blocks. Education. inspiration. self-love. Results. How to bio-hack your way to sexy body success. This course will have you take massive action.

Can you guarantee specific results?

I love this course and I deeply believe in its principles in it. The testimonials on this page are from real, live people who signed up for the course, did the work and got some really cool results. According to my incredible attorney, I need to say this to you: DISCLAIMER: I don’t guarantee or warrant results or increased income. The testimonials on this page may not be typical for all students. Plus, It’s like a church service, You go to receive a message. Whether or not you “get it” is up t you and your willingness to receive new knowledge.

What is your refund policy?

you were led to this course and trusted yourself to enroll. I would never enroll in something like this and even think about asking for a refund so anybody that thinks that way probably isn’t a good fit for my energy. Plus, the only reason you would want a refund is from lack, scarcity, and fear. I’ll give you the tools so that you never even need to ask a question like this ever again.

Meet Casey Shipp

Casey Shipp here, founder and creator of the Hotmomz Lifestyle and Experience… I am personally inviting you to collide with your destiny before we evolve into charging full price for our intimate mastermind for 2023.

You want clarity, freedom, unshakable certainty, confidence, and next-level abundance in all areas…

You desire to live a life of ease, flow, and grace where your body feels good, and YOU feel good being in your body. You want to feel sexy and confident in a bikini and finally have answers as to why things feel the way they feel so that you can correct the path and never return to the old ways of “doing great, then LIFE happening and being thrown off.”


If you are enrolling now, I encourage you to do so intentionally. Enroll as the Future you who already has the “thing” she wants. Do this for you. Do this for those you are here to help. Do this on purpose.

Refunds: Although our policy is no refunds on digital products.

Disclaimer: I love this program and I deeply believe in the principles in it. The success stories on this page are from real live people who have worked with me through this program and got incredible results. According to my attorney, I need to make sure I always say this to you: I don’t guarantee or warrant results or increased income. The testimonials on this page may not be typical for all students.