Great Finds for health conscious folks

this was great on my waffles! 


I am really into cereal this week! yep, that’s honey combs!  and unsweetened almond milk. I bought a half gallon of unsweetened soy milk and that’s almost gone as well. I was told I needed more calcium. Milk just makes my lymphs clog up and I prefer the taste of almond and soy over milk so I have been using cal supps with VItamin D. MOST WOMEN need to be on a VIT D supp anyhow! 



finished my book “circle maker” now… I want to tread Trouble to Triumph by Clifford Harris. He is a huge inspiration to me. 

gotta run! just wanted to share the cool whip. need to go lift and buy panties. bc NOBODY tells you this so I will! 

when you are pregnant you will have  leukorrhea.. it’s something your va-jay jay releases that protects baby against bacteria! so, needless to say load up on panty liners! See, I never wore drawers unless it was that time of  the month NOW.. a sister needs some drawers SO off to tha store I GO!  you like how I paired food and vaginal stuff didn’t you?



NO fluff, NO bs, no strict fad diets

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