
7-13 weeks Postpartum

Hello Hello! sitting here 9:17pm on a Baby Friday night.. ( SO LATE, I KNOW) lol. Now that babe is on schedule, I put him down around 7:45-8pm and try and get in bed by 11. I like to get up a tad bit earlier than he does ( he wakes and eats at 7am) so, I like to get...

6 weeks Postpartum In this video I go over my experience so far with breastfeeding, pumping, pregnancy (looking back), training, what other moms say and body image. Blogs have been the last thing on my mind. I have had "do blog" on to do list...

39-40 weeks

Hello Hello It's a quite Sunday..BEAUTIFUL weekend here in Atlanta GA. I am looking out my window, Murphy's asleep on his bed and Skip is at work. My emails/clients are quite and I'm sitting here with hair thrown up, a tank and Skip's men shorts on having to pee every...

30-34 weeks fit pregnancy

        I am 34 weeks pregnant. It is a Thursday night and I have on double divas in back ground. I usually pop on netflix while i break and eat.. Never heard of the show but I know the store is in kennesaw ( where I live) so I wanted to see. So...

28-29 weeks Pregnant FLOG and workouts

Meal 1 Trader Joes - Gluten Free Oatmeal, 1/2 cup uncooked 150 27g 3g 6g 0mg 0mg 1g 4g Market Pantry - Frozen Blueberries 140 g, 52 g 33 8g 0g 0g 0mg 0mg 5g 1g 365 Organic - Everyday Value Cage-Free Large Brown Eggs, 2 Egg 140 2g 9g 12g 370mg 130mg 0g 0g All Whites -...

25-27 weeks pregnant

Laying in bed writing this one 🙂 it's about 11:30 pm and I can't type with home row keys, so it's a challenge. I am 27 weeks today. or Third Trimester. Some say it's 25-28 weeks. WHATEVER! I wanted to share what's going on in my life, with baby and of ya...

Mommy Issues

Hello My FAVORITE people. I say that bc you read this KNOWING what to expect out of me.. cursing, judgmental views, politically incorrect and bad grammar.. anddddd ya still like me. Where ever you are.. I dig you to. plz drop a reply or email/facebook message and...

21-22 weeks pregnant, food and cellulite

21-22 weeks pregnant, food and cellulite

aw isn't Murphy sweet with his head on my belly!!   I promised I would show you my cellulite !!!! and I did! .. it's crazy how it feels ( i play with it)  and honestly...It's from a mixture of eating shit food (fried food and sugar), not lifting heavy and...

Great Finds for health conscious folks

this was great on my waffles!  I am really into cereal this week! yep, that's honey combs!  and unsweetened almond milk. I bought a half gallon of unsweetened soy milk and that's almost gone as well. I was told I needed more calcium. Milk just makes my...