25-27 weeks pregnant

Laying in bed writing this one 🙂 it’s about 11:30 pm and I can’t type with home row keys, so it’s a challenge. I am 27 weeks today. or Third Trimester. Some say it’s 25-28 weeks. WHATEVER! I wanted to share what’s going on in my life,...

Mommy Issues

Hello My FAVORITE people. I say that bc you read this KNOWING what to expect out of me.. cursing, judgmental views, politically incorrect and bad grammar.. anddddd ya still like me. Where ever you are.. I dig you to. plz drop a reply or email/facebook message and...
21-22 weeks pregnant, food and cellulite

21-22 weeks pregnant, food and cellulite

aw isn’t Murphy sweet with his head on my belly!!   I promised I would show you my cellulite !!!! and I did! .. it’s crazy how it feels ( i play with it)  and honestly…It’s from a mixture of eating shit food (fried food and sugar),...